Search Strings

The following search terms were used per topic:


Embryology AND fascia: Filters activated: Humans 567 Articles retrieved

(((((((embryology) OR embryogenesis) OR embryonic development)) AND (((fascia) OR fascial system) OR fascia)) AND (((((composition) OR structure) OR development) OR anatomy) OR physiology))) NOT animal study


Separating fascia AND morphology 25 Articles retrieved.

(Separating[All Fields] AND (“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields])) AND (“anatomy and histology”[Subheading] OR (“anatomy”[All Fields] AND “histology”[All Fields]) OR “anatomy and histology”[All Fields] OR “morphology”[All Fields])


Craniosacral therapy AND fascia: Filters activated: Free full text, published in the last 5 years, Humans 360 Articles retrieved

(craniosacral[All Fields] AND (“therapy”[Subheading] OR “therapy”[All Fields] OR “therapeutics”[MeSH Terms] OR “therapeutics”[All Fields])) AND (“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields]) craniosacral AND physiotherapy NOT massage: craniosacral[All Fields] AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields]) NOT (“massage”[MeSH Terms] OR “massage”[All Fields]


Rolfing AND physiotherapy NOT massage: 8 Articles retrieved

(“massage”[MeSH Terms] OR “massage”[All Fields] OR “rolfing”[All Fields]) AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields]) NOT (“massage”[MeSH Terms] OR “massage”[All Fields])((“ego”[MeSH Terms] OR “ego”[All Fields] OR “self”[All Fields]) AND myofascial[All Fields] AND (“patient discharge”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “discharge”[All Fields]) OR “patient discharge”[All Fields] OR “release”[All Fields])) AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields])


Massage AND fascia AND physical therapy: 10 year filter 29 Articles retrieved.

(“massage”[MeSH Terms] OR “massage”[All Fields]) AND (“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields]) AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy”[All Fields])

Trigger Pointing

Trigger point AND fascia: 10 year filter 21 Articles retrieved

(“trigger points”[MeSH Terms] OR (“trigger”[All Fields] AND “points”[All Fields]) OR “trigger points”[All Fields] OR (“trigger”[All Fields] AND “point”[All Fields]) OR “trigger point”[All Fields]) AND (“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields]) AND “humans”[MeSH Terms])

Dry needling

Fascia AND needling: 16 Articles retrieved

(“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields]) AND needling[All Fields] physical therapy AND needling NOT acupuncture: (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy”[All Fields]) AND needling[All Fields] NOT (“acupuncture”[MeSH Terms] OR “acupuncture”[All Fields] OR “acupuncture therapy”[MeSH Terms] OR (“acupuncture”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields]) OR “acupuncture therapy”[All Fields])


kinesio taping AND fascia: 2 Articles retrieved

(kinesio[All Fields] AND taping[All Fields]) AND (“fascia”[MeSH Terms] OR “fascia”[All Fields])

Foam rolling

foam rolling AND physiotherapy:2 Articles retrieved

(foam[All Fields] AND rolling[All Fields]) AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical” [All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields])

self myofascial release AND physiotherapy:
((“ego”[MeSH Terms] OR “ego”[All Fields] OR “self”[All Fields]) AND myofascial[All Fields] AND (“patient discharge”[MeSH Terms] OR (“patient”[All Fields] AND “discharge”[All Fields]) OR “patient discharge”[All Fields] OR “release”[All Fields])) AND (“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields])


Physiotherapy AND stretch: Filters activated: Free full text, published in the last 5 years, Humans 34 Articles retrieved
(“physical therapy modalities”[MeSH Terms] OR (“physical”[All Fields] AND “therapy”[All Fields] AND “modalities”[All Fields]) OR “physical therapy modalities”[All Fields] OR “physiotherapy”[All Fields]) AND stretch[All Fields] AND “humans”[MeSH Terms]) Hold relax stretching: 11 Articles retrieved (hold[All Fields] AND (“relaxation”[MeSH Terms] OR “relaxation”[All Fields] OR “relax”[All Fields]) AND stretching[All Fields]) AND “humans”[MeSH Terms])
Hold relax stretching, 11 Articles retrieved
(hold[All Fields] AND (“relaxation”[MeSH Terms] OR “relaxation”[All Fields] OR “relax”[All Fields]) AND stretching[All Fields]) AND “humans”[MeSH Terms])

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